如何种植三叶草草坪 - 里奇饲料 & 种子公司.


Planting an alternative to a traditional lawn has become a popular choice over the last few years.  A well-manicured lawn can offer some benefits as a ground cover; it prevents the encroachment of unwanted weeds, 生成氧气, 提供一个柔软的玩耍区域, 野餐, 光着脚. 另一方面, a grass lawn is a monoculture crop that demands a lot of maintenance, water and offers minimal benefits to nature.

Before the 1950s, grass seed mixes included clover- for very good reason! Clover fixes nitrogen in the soil that releases slowly into the lawn and to other plants, 它保持绿色的时间更长, 需要更少的水, and can withstand the abuse from high traffic, 宠物, 和干旱.


  • Clover is affordable and easy to grow.
  • Clover brings Nitrogen and other nutrients to your soil and requires no fertilization. When mixed with other grasses, clover can reduce or eliminate the need for regular fertilizing.
  • A drought-tolerant plant- once established it will grow even when t在这里 is a lack of water. Traditional lawn grasses are not at all drought tolerant and usually need watering all season long.
  • Flourishes in full sun or partial shade. Clover is tolerant of many conditions and outcompetes other weeds.
  • 三叶草适应性强. Add to a regular lawn to help invigorate tired turf, fill in bare patches or plant a full clover lawn on its own for lush, 全年绿色植物.
  • 蜜蜂等野生动物喜欢三叶草. To prevent bees from visiting, simply mow your clover before it blooms.
  • 不再有烧伤补丁! Clover will not turn yellow as quickly as a regular lawn when 宠物 are around.




Though t在这里 are many varieties of clover; 荷兰白三叶草 is the best all-around clover for your alternative lawn.

·        Stays green spring through to fall.

·        Blooms when mature, providing food for bees.

·        Does best with 4-6 hours of sun daily.

·        Can be mowed as you would your lawn, or left to grow (4 – 8”)

·        Resistant to chafer beetles

·        Overwinters well even in Zone 4

·        种子 at a rate of about 1lb per 1000 square feet


·        May need reseeding after 2-3 years.

Our lawn experts recommend using both clover and grass seed to establish the healthiest lawn possible. However, do not spread these different types of seeds together. Since clover seed is so small and dense, and usually clumps together at the bottom of the spreader or seed bag, spreading with grass seed usually results in uneven coverage. Instead, determine your desired ratio of clover to grass and spread separately.  Remember, the best time in the spring to plant any lawn seed is mid-May or when the soil temperature reaches 15 degrees Celsius


To add clover to an already established lawn, begin by mowing close to the ground and raking it. If your lawn needs aerating, now is the time. Clover seed will benefit if sown after thorough aeration. Mix your clover seed with fine sand, sawdust, or soil, and broadcast over the desired area.  下一个, water your clover seeds every day for a couple of weeks. This will give the seeds enough moisture for sprouting and help them get a good start in the new location.



建立一个新的草坪, prepare your soil several weeks in advance by removing weeds, 石头, 和其他碎片. Rake or till the top layer of soil to loosen the substrate and then water the area to encourage any remaining weeds to sprout. A day or two before seeding your lawn, remove any newly sprouted weeds and rake to a smooth, 甚至纹理. The best time of year to seed is mid-May or when the soil temperature reaches 15 degrees Celsius

Mix your clover seed with sand, sawdust, or fine soil to make spreading easier. Use a spreader (if you can find one that accommodates clover) for large areas to ensure even distribution. 不要施肥. 如果使用的话,接着撒草籽.

Rake the planted area to lightly cover the seeds. They won’t sprout if buried too deeply. You may compress with a roller or by walking over the area. 定期浇水直至凝固.

Before trimming your lawn for the first time, wait until the clover drops its seeds, 然后靠近一点, 离地面大约2″. This will also favor the clover over the grass and help the clover plants establish their roots. Leave the clippings on the lawn (they are a valuable mulch). Once the clover begins to thrive, you can reduce the mowing by letting your lawn grow to 3″. You can always overseed with clover if the grass starts taking over. Never use herbicides on a clover lawn- your clover won’t survive!

Planting a new lawn with clover or adding it to a lawn will help reduce the impacts of your patch of green. 更少的要求和关心, 还有更多的时间去享受, a clover lawn is a natural choice for sustainability.

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